Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Busy Busy Days

The past week and a bit has been a whirlwind of food, travelling, work and clerkship applications for the upcoming summer. I went to Melbourne during the past weekend so be on the lookout for future Melbourne (aka. shopping and food) related posts. In the meantime, here's a few photos and short snippets of what I've been up to since my last post.

P.s. I went to watch Harry Potter last thursday and it was great! I'm a bit disappointed regarding the ending but I didn't much care for it in the book either. However, all the action made it completely worth it! I'm glad I watched it early and there was still lots of sessions for 2D showings. I'm not a big fan of 3D movies, they give me a headache :(

 my gorgeous gorgeous almost-like-a-sister

a little present from Net-a-Porter from myself
i lost my old YSL artsy ring a few months ago so I replaced it with a new one before my mum realises and kills me-- so my little present wasn't so much a present as it was a constant reminder of the fact that i lost my first ring 

my daily breakfast ritual before work; plus or minus the tim-tam fingers but the coffee is a MUST 

 pitstop at Harry's for their famous hot dogs during my lunch break

 looks so much better than it tastes. i still like the original one, not a big fan of these green tea flavoured 

yummy yummy yummy (except for the liquorice..urgh)

i love receiving catalogues from my favourite high-end stores but not so much the reminders of new store openings when I'm on a shopping ban after the damage I did in Melbourne.
Must. Resist. Temptation.

absolutely gorgeous sydney day 

drinks at the ivy during ALSA 

flying off to melbourne 

 a little preview of Melbourne
its all food, wine and shopping 


Field said...

mmm harry's hotdogs, always enjoying reading your posts

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.